New-ish Blog designed to share interesting websites and things that I find interesting, such as Movies and Comics. Also, an exercise for myself to see if I can actually update this thing on a regular basis. oh....ya and everyone else has one.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer of greatness

This summer could have been disastrous.  The hype machine was in full bore, and for someone who has adopted a media black philosophy it  was hard to avoid it. A couple I know now have decided to not watch movie trailers for movies they are going to watch for sure. Movies like The Dark Knight and Iron Man had so much information about what takes place in the movie shown in the trailers. This is bad if you want to experience the movie without and idea about whats going to happen. Thus I have chosen to be on media black out. I want to wright more on this, possibly even create a web page about it.

The Summer started with

Iron Man - a fun movie, classic story, colorful characters. This is now officially the greatest movie (based on a comic book) I have ever seen.
The Incredible Hulk - Much Darker that the in-continuity Iron Man, still classic story
Hellboy II - Most likely the  underdog as it came out a week before the Dark Knight, I hope it is not lost in the smoke as it is quite possibly the funnest movie of the summer, similar to Iron man. This is now officially the greatest movie (based on a comic book) I have ever seen.

The Dark Knight - What better way to end the summer of comic movie glory. This movie blew me away in all aspects. Great Acting, Great effects, Great characters, great everything. I can go and say this is now officially the greatest movie (based on a comic book) I have ever seen.

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The Incredible Hulk Posterbatman-the-dark-knight.jpg
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