New-ish Blog designed to share interesting websites and things that I find interesting, such as Movies and Comics. Also, an exercise for myself to see if I can actually update this thing on a regular basis. oh....ya and everyone else has one.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Trailer #1

Some people were having issues with Google so I decided just to link the video directly. Please Enjoy!

Freedomball Trailer

I have posted a new trailor for the Mockumentary "Freedomball". Its located here on Google Videos. Its a bit rough but I did it for my mate Martin who is in Europe right now. Martin is married to my Wifes sister, Tara. You can check their blog here, its real cool. Anyways I need to focus more on school so I better finish this up. Oh ya check the new pic for Marcel. Ain't he cute!