New-ish Blog designed to share interesting websites and things that I find interesting, such as Movies and Comics. Also, an exercise for myself to see if I can actually update this thing on a regular basis. oh....ya and everyone else has one.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Indiana Jones 4 - ;)

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Ok, I know its about a week late for me, so I guess I am not as much of a Fanboy as I would like. But you try a organize your life around a 2.5 year old and a pregnant wife. So today is the day. 18 years since I last saw a Indy flick on the big screen, will it be cool?, will it be funny?, will it be...good? These questions will be answered later this evening as I bask in all things Indiana.

My brother-in-law started me on this kick of not seeing, reading, infusing myself in anything related to movies, out side of actually seeing the movie.

I did this with Iron-Man, and let me tell you, Not knowing the story outside of plot, nor actually seeing any trailers was incredibly hard. I had to avoid some of my favorite websites. Not read any news nor talk to people about them. It was really hard this week because almost everyone I know has seen the new Indy flix.

I don't want to hear nothing, not if it was good, bad, color of his shoes, nothing. When you pay that kind a money for an experience I want the full EXPERIENCE. Trailers are for people who probably would not see the show, not for me.
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