New-ish Blog designed to share interesting websites and things that I find interesting, such as Movies and Comics. Also, an exercise for myself to see if I can actually update this thing on a regular basis. oh....ya and everyone else has one.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Macs?

I loved rumors

click the Link
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer of greatness

This summer could have been disastrous.  The hype machine was in full bore, and for someone who has adopted a media black philosophy it  was hard to avoid it. A couple I know now have decided to not watch movie trailers for movies they are going to watch for sure. Movies like The Dark Knight and Iron Man had so much information about what takes place in the movie shown in the trailers. This is bad if you want to experience the movie without and idea about whats going to happen. Thus I have chosen to be on media black out. I want to wright more on this, possibly even create a web page about it.

The Summer started with

Iron Man - a fun movie, classic story, colorful characters. This is now officially the greatest movie (based on a comic book) I have ever seen.
The Incredible Hulk - Much Darker that the in-continuity Iron Man, still classic story
Hellboy II - Most likely the  underdog as it came out a week before the Dark Knight, I hope it is not lost in the smoke as it is quite possibly the funnest movie of the summer, similar to Iron man. This is now officially the greatest movie (based on a comic book) I have ever seen.

The Dark Knight - What better way to end the summer of comic movie glory. This movie blew me away in all aspects. Great Acting, Great effects, Great characters, great everything. I can go and say this is now officially the greatest movie (based on a comic book) I have ever seen.

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The Incredible Hulk Posterbatman-the-dark-knight.jpg
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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Martin Kerr - Power Voting Party

Hey Guys just click the link below!


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Indiana Jones 4 - ;)

indy4poster.jpg (JPEG Image, 1016x1505 pixels) - Scaled (55%)

Ok, I know its about a week late for me, so I guess I am not as much of a Fanboy as I would like. But you try a organize your life around a 2.5 year old and a pregnant wife. So today is the day. 18 years since I last saw a Indy flick on the big screen, will it be cool?, will it be funny?, will it be...good? These questions will be answered later this evening as I bask in all things Indiana.

My brother-in-law started me on this kick of not seeing, reading, infusing myself in anything related to movies, out side of actually seeing the movie.

I did this with Iron-Man, and let me tell you, Not knowing the story outside of plot, nor actually seeing any trailers was incredibly hard. I had to avoid some of my favorite websites. Not read any news nor talk to people about them. It was really hard this week because almost everyone I know has seen the new Indy flix.

I don't want to hear nothing, not if it was good, bad, color of his shoes, nothing. When you pay that kind a money for an experience I want the full EXPERIENCE. Trailers are for people who probably would not see the show, not for me.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Supernatural - TV Under the radar

I remember a couple of years a go a friend of mine, knowing I was into TV, told me about a show about two brothers on a road trip trying to find there father. The brothers also fight (or hunt) spooks and specters. My friend was very excited about the show and told me I would love it. For some of hand reason, mostly like it just to annoy him, I decided I was not going to like the show purely on the bases the he recommended it. Needless to say we are no longer friend.

Some time later I decided to give it a shot.

Man I felt pretty bad. This show is amazing. Now I am a pseudo fan boy about continuity and such but for some reason I just didn't click with the X-files. I mention this because its the closest comparison I can make to the show. They both deal or dealt with the supernatural, both are very dark and moody. And while X-files deals in a more broad content(Aliens, etc) Supernatural primarily  deals with an over arching storyline dealing with a hunt for a specific demon named Azezel (As of mid season two). Filler episodes can deal with a verity of different situations, most noticeable antagonists are based on urban myth. These include but not limited to Spirits(Ghosts), vampires, werewolves, etc.

This style of TV, with its heavy connection to a season long story, might seem that it is hard to jump in at any given point. Ordinarily I would agree, however not in this case. The beginning of every episode gives a good recap to the story up until that point. Much like BSG and Lost, it foreshadows whats gonna happen by showing you what did happen. So in this case the viewer doesn't need to see all episodes, although they would benefit from it. Also there is very little "To be continued" cliffhanger episodes. You will get a sense of finality with every episode, which is good.

I look forward to the further adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester to the point of giving them a

8 out of 10

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Macworld | The new rules for buying a Mac

Apple_showtime.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

OK this is a good article describing some myths  about macs.
A very good overview about making the switch.

Macworld | The new rules for buying a Mac
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Marcel - random pic of the day

Picasa Web Albums - Mark - Sylvan lake 2007 - P1020407.JPG
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iPhone 2.0 Worldwide Launch on June 9th | Gadget Lab from

Finally! Coming to Canada!

iPhone 2.0 Worldwide Launch on June 9th | Gadget Lab from 0

Do I have to get in line now?
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Back to work, funky new tools

Now with summer coming, its time to out away the school books and look forward to making some money.

Thats right! Summers here and I can buy some comic books, goto  movies, and fly a kite with my kid.

I will soon make a short check list that  I can use to organize my summer activities.

I love Google calender and recently I added this feature into it.

So lets see what we can see.

Also I have checked a few new apps
A beta music player alternative to iTunes, its kinda cool
A social net workers wet dream, built on Firefox with a whole smack off add ons, I like it.

Anyways hopefully I can update this more often

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