I have a different take on the telephone Marketing or tele-marketing. I for one like it when they call. Now people might think me weird or crazy but when the phone rings and an offer comes up I take that poor soul on the other line to the limit. I have even had then give up on me as a customer. That’s right my goal is to have them hang up on me! Why you ask? Because its fun. Sometime I debate with them why their offer is so better than my current plan. I actually had one guy try to sell me long distance plan with a company that did not offer high speed internet, just Dial-up, whereas my current company, which is not great by any stretch, did. Why I even used a land line at the time still is a mystery. He actually said I should give dial-up a try, heh. Anyways I kept asking him questions on why I should give up my High speed to go to a considerably less fast Dialup. This debate went on for a good 15 minutes with him eventually giving up on me. I give him credit for trying to sell something from the nineties.
I guess my problem is not so much with the people making the calls, as they are just doing a job so they can eat, but more so with the Idea of invading my home when I am not wanting it. I guess its OK when watching TV that it’s a given that commercials are going to invade your head, given and accepted, again I don’t watch TV, more or less as compared to Download TV show and watch when I want, sort of Tivo on demand. I simply cut out the middle man. I suppose if iTunes in
I'm glad I never had to sell you something...oh, and you are cute.
And they record those conversations for 'quality' too...so you should talk in a funny voice.
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